Youth Ministry
- The Lord has allowed the Gilead Baptist Church to help, encourage, and strengthen the youth of today. We are burdened for the youth of our area and in regions beyond.
- Youth Sunday School Class meets on Sunday's at 9:45 AM where they are taught from the Word of God and encouraged to reach other youth for Christ.
- Various activities are scheduled throughout the year to encourage youth to have good, clean, godly fun.
Bus Ministry
- Gilead Baptist Church has seen many individuals and families reached through our bus ministry. A ride is available to our church if you live in the Macon area. Pick-up starts at 8:45 AM and drop off is around 12:45 PM.
- We encourage people to use their own vehicle if one is available. This allows us to have more room for riders who are not presently able to drive. If you need a ride, you may contact the church office.
Music Ministry
- Active member's of Gilead Baptist Church are all welcome to sing in the choir. Choir practice is every Sunday before the evening service.
- Members serve in song by singing a solo or in a group during our church services.
- We encourage all members to partake when a special singing event is scheduled. One does not have to be a part of the choir to participate in these events.
Soulwinning Program
- Gilead Baptist Church believes in the responsibility to reach the world and our community for Christ. Every believer is encouraged and commanded in the Scriptures to share the gospel of Jesus Christ on a daily basis. We invite all of our members to meet at our church throughout the week for organized visitation.
- Organized visitation consists of door-knocking, hospital visits, etc.
Men's Fellowship
- All men of Gilead Baptist Church are encouraged to meet once a month. Men meet together to pray, fellowship, and continue to accomplish short-term and long-term projects for the church.
Ladies Fellowship
- All ladies of Gilead Baptist Church meet once every month to pray for our missionaries, accomplish giving projects, and fellowship with one another. Ladies of all ages are welcome to attend.
Sunday School Ministry
- Sunday school classes meet every Sunday at 9:45 AM.